Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What Does It Mean To Be 'Anti-Jewish'?

A facebook friend has given us this basic primer:
If one is against 6.5 million Jews and the government that they elect through the democratic process, one is anti-Jewish.
If one dares to complain when Jews defend themselves from attacks, then one is certainly anti-Jewish. 
If one tries to restrict where Jews can live -- especially when it comes to places mentioned in the Torah, than one is no-doubt anti-Jewish. 
If one speaks out only against the Jewish state of Israel yet ignores actual human rights violations and civil rights violations in other countries, then one is a Jew-hater. 
If one accuses the Jewish state of Israel of being an "occupier" yet does not utter a word about countries thst actually occupy another country -- such as is the case with Morocco occupying Western Sahara -- then one is a Jew-hater. 
If one calls for boycotting Israel but no other country, then one is a Jew-hater.
You get the idea.
H/T: Scott Feldman

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