Friday, March 15, 2019

You Don't Want To Miss These Stories . . .

“The recent jump in paychecks has come with an unusual characteristic, as workers at the lower end of the pay scale are getting the greater benefit,” Jeff Cox reports for CNBC.
“Average hourly earnings rose 3.4 percent in February from the same period a year ago, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report last week. That’s the biggest gain since April 2009 and seventh month in a row that compensation has been 3 percent or better.”
Click here to read more.
“President Trump launched another battle for border security on Monday, calling for $8.6 billion in funding for the Wall in his proposed federal budget for next year. Predictably, top Democrats came out swinging, bashing a border wall as ‘expensive and ineffective,’” Betsy McCaughey writes in the New York Post. “Truth is, the Democrats aren’t leveling with the public about the billions we are already forced to spend on shelters, food, diapers, medical care and child care for migrants sneaking across the border and claiming asylum.”
“Japanese automaker Toyota is upping its investment in the U.S. by 30 percent to $13 billion by 2021, the company said Thursday. The company pledged in 2017 to invest $10 billion in its U.S. factories over five years,” Robert Ferris reports for CNBC. “The new plan includes adding 600 jobs at U.S. manufacturing plants.”
“First Lady Melania and President Donald Trump have participated in a traditional ceremony with the Irish Prime Minister to mark St. Patrick's Day, receiving a bowl of shamrock from the Irish leader. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, as the Irish premier is properly titled, attended the ceremony in the East Room of the White House on Thursday evening,” Keith Griffith reports in the Daily Mail.  
President Trump’s “‘Budget for a Better America’ proposes to strengthen work requirements in programs such as food stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, to help work-capable adults move toward greater self-support,” Vijay Menon writes in The Daily Signal. “Nearly 90 percent of Americans say they agree with the principle that adults who are able to work should be required to work or prepare for work in exchange for government assistance.”

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