Thursday, April 11, 2019

Denouncing A Cruel And Vicious Tyrant . . .

Yesterday, Vice President Mike Pence traveled to New York City to represent President Donald J. Trump and the United States before a Special Session of the United Nations Security Council on the crisis in Venezuela.

“For six long years, the people of Venezuela have suffered under the heavy hand of oppression,” the Vice President told the Security Council. “The United Nations and this Security Council have refused to act.”
America’s message was clear: “This body should revoke the credentials of Venezuela’s representative to the United Nations, recognize Interim President Juan Guaido, and seat the representative of the free Venezuelan government in this body without delay,” Vice President Pence continued.

Maduro's socialist dictatorship has turned Venezuela, once one of the wealthiest countries in the Western Hemisphere, into a tragic scene of deprivation. The economy has shrunk by nearly half, leaving 9 out of 10 Venezuelans in poverty. The average citizen there has lost more than 20 pounds from malnutrition, including thousands of children who continue to face starvation.

In the midst of this suffering, Maduro has lent no helping hand—just the opposite. When America and its allies sent crucial aid to Venezuela’s people, Maduro’s henchmen blocked and literally burned it, committing violence against any who opposed them. In just 3 months, the regime has thrown more than 1,200 people in jail without due process. At least 40 protesters have been killed.

“There can be no bystanders to this history,” Vice President Pence warned. “For the peace and security of our hemisphere, the world and the United Nations must stand with the people of Venezuela.”

With that, the Vice President turned to Maduro’s representative before the Security Council. “With all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, you shouldn’t be here. You should return to Venezuela and tell Nicolas Maduro that his time is up. It’s time for him to go.”

Vice President calls for restoring democracy in Venezuela

More: President Trump says “Socialism is dying” in Venezuela—and America

President Trump honors WWII veterans 

Last summer, when President Trump spoke at the Veterans of Foreign Wars annual convention, he welcomed World War II veteran Allen Jones to join him onstage. “Mr. President, I want to ask you something,” Sergeant Jones said.

“I’m going to be 95 years of age April 11th of next year. Hopefully, that you will allow me to bring my family into the Oval Office to meet you.” President Trump readily agreed, telling Sergeant Jones he was welcome anytime.

Today, Sergeant Jones got his wish, spending his 95th birthday at the White House with his family. President Trump welcomed three more World War II veterans and their families along with him—each with their own unique story of service and sacrifice. 
  • Sidney Walton, a former Army veteran, has been traveling the country on a “No Regrets Tour,” reminding Americans of the sacrifice WWII veterans made to save this country.
  • Floyd Wigfield didn’t hesitate to serve after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, enlisting in the U.S. Army. On June 6, 1944, he and his fellow soldiers of Company G landed on Utah Beach in what became known as “D-Day.”
  • Paul Kriner joined the Army at age 24 and fought Axis forces in Italy. Years later, when our Nation was plunged into another war—this time in Korea—he didn’t hesitate to serve again. At 103 years old, Kriner still proudly tells his story.
Watch: President Trump grants WW2 veteran’s birthday wish!

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump welcome President Moon Jae-in and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook of the Republic of Korea to the White House | April 11, 2019

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