Tuesday, April 2, 2019

No Matter What, They Just Can't Shut It Down!

A very special message from www.catholicvote.org

The movie Unplanned is a HUGE hit. 

And pro-abortion forces are doing everything they can to stop it. 

Look at just a few of the obstacles this sensational film has had to overcome: 
  • Almost every “mainstream” media outlet ignored the movie’s release.

  • Major networks like USA and Hallmark Channel refused to run paid ads. 

  • The film’s Twitter account was suspended for no reason for several hours during opening weekend. 

  • Hollywood slapped an R rating on the film. 
Former governor Mike Huckabee noted the irony of that last point. “So a 13-year-old girl can get an abortion without her parents even knowing, but can’t see a movie showing what abortion really is without being accompanied by an adult until she’s 17?” 

Despite all these challenges, Unplanned still managed to pull in over $6.1 million this last weekend. Which means a movie about a former abortion clinic director turned pro-life advocate secured a 5th place finish for its opening weekend! 

That’s twice as much as the filmmakers had projected! 

After all, the movie was only debuting on 1,059 screens. But because of the great performance, the movie is reportedly adding an additional 600 screens this weekend! 

If Unplanned does become a big box office hit, it will inspire other filmmakers to bring other compelling pro-life stories like this to the big screen. And it is already sending an unmistakable message to the media: you can’t stop the movement for life. 

Most importantly, the film is changing hearts and minds. Read the comments on social media and elsewhere. Men and women, young and old, are moved by this film. 

Let’s help them keep it going! 

Visit unplannedfilm.com to watch the trailer and find out if the movie is playing near you. 

Brian Birch, President, CatholicVote.org

P.S. Last year I was honored to accept an invitation to visit the movie set to meet with the Director of Unplanned and his team as they filmed the movie. It was clear to me then that this movie was no ordinary film. When asked about the production, they talked about the powerful spiritual battle they fought in bringing the story of Abby Johnson to the big screen. 

I pledged the support of CV. I strongly encourage you to go see the movie soon. 

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