Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Obama's Own Border Control Chief Supports Trump!

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced yesterday that more than 750 U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers will be temporarily reassigned to America’s southwest border. “The situation at our southern border has gone from a crisis to near system-wide meltdown,” the Secretary wrote yesterday.

While President Donald J. Trump has taken action to address our national emergency at the border, Congressional Democrats still refuse to acknowledge a problem even exists—much less present any serious plan to address it.

They should listen to Mark Morgan, head of the U.S. Border Patrol under former President Obama.
The problem starts with glaring loopholes in America’s immigration laws, particularly those governing the asylum process. The intelligence shows that most asylum-seekers “are coming here for two reasons,” Morgan says. “Economic equality and family reunification. They are not fleeing persecution or violence, and the stats show that.”

But it gets worse. “The incentives to come here are overwhelming,” he says. “They’re willing to take this dangerous trek because they know: Grab a kid, set one foot on American soil, and you’re allowed . . . to remain here unchecked.” 

No modern immigration system should function that way. “The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it,” Secretary Nielsen says. “We will not stand idly by while Congress fails to act yet again, so all options are on the table.”

Immigration official: We are facing an unprecedented crisis.

A message on World Autism Awareness Day

“On World Autism Awareness Day, we honor the millions of Americans living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who, in spite of the challenges they may face, continue to make extraordinary contributions to their families, their communities, our Nation, and the world,” President Trump writes in his Proclamation this week. “We also express our sincere appreciation to the families, friends, medical professionals, and caregivers who help Americans with ASD pursue the American Dream.”

As a country, it’s crucial that we continue to support all Americans with ASD. The Trump Administration has secured funding for cutting-edge research while enhancing all available resources and treatments to help both those affected by ASD and their families, communities, and caregivers.  

“Today, we celebrate the tremendous accomplishments of Americans with ASD and reaffirm our commitment to work together to ensure that every member of our society is afforded equal opportunities to reach their full potential.”

Read President Trump’s Proclamation for Autism Awareness Day

Video of the day: First Lady takes ‘Be Best’ to Florida

First Lady Melania Trump visits with students at West Gate Elementary School.  
Last week, First Lady Melania Trump took time to visit with students at West Gate Elementary School in Palm Beach, Florida. Dovetailing with the First Lady’s Be Best initiative, the school offers a unique program specifically designed to eliminate bullying in the classroom.

The First Lady has placed a heavy emphasis on the well-being of children, and she continually highlights programs that live up to this calling. West Gate Elementary School commits itself to removing bullying from the learning environment by setting aside time for biweekly meetings between teachers and students. The goal of their program is to develop strong emotional intelligence through peer-to-peer interactions.

“I believe it is important for schools to focus on the overall well-being of our youngest citizens, which will help them develop in their earliest years so that they can reach their full potential as our next generation,” the First Lady said.

More on the First Lady’s visit to West Gate Elementary School

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