Tuesday, April 30, 2019

OMG! Here's What Angelo Cataldi Says NOW . . .

Philadelphia's premier sports radio talker has weighed in on the Flyers/Kate Smith controversy more than once.
But now, Angelo Cataldi has launched his most direct salvo yet at the Flyers. Here's what Cataldi has to say:
The Flyers owe the family of Kate Smith an apology for the knee-jerk decision to remove her statue from outside the Wells Fargo Center 10 days ago. Rather than do their own research, the Flyers blindly followed the lead of the New York Yankees, who stopped playing her rendition of God Bless America after uncovering her recordings of two racially-insensitive songs from the 1930s. Kate Smith fought for racial equality during her long career. To paint her as a racist, 36 years after her death, is an injustice the Flyers must correct immediately.

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