Friday, May 31, 2019

All Together Now, Let's Celebrate ISRAEL!

In celebration of Israel's 71st anniversary and 52nd Yom Yerushalayim, ZOA National President Mort Klein will be speaking in Central Park on June 2, 2019, following the Celebrate Israel Parade. Other distinguished speakers include Israel's Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, Israel's Consul General to NY Dani Dayan, Former Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker, and Fox and Friends Host Pete Hegseth, among others. 
Enter Park at 72nd Street & 5th Avenue • FREE admission • Rain or Shine
If you haven't yet registered to join ZOA and ZOA's FFT as we march down 5th Ave to celebrate Israel it's not too late! There will be a fun atmosphere, lots of giveawaysfree t-shirts and lots of pride and cheer!

We will be meeting at 1:20pm on 52nd Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues.

If you haven't signed up yet, all you need to do is register at the link below with your contact info and t-shirt size. 

For any questions, contact us at (212) 481-1500 or 
Register Now

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