Thursday, May 2, 2019

Ban Kate Smith? No, Ban The Democrat Party!

Excerpts from a very thought-provoking column in the Delco Daily Times written by Patrick Carson:

While Kate Smith was recording the perceived racist song 90 years ago, Democrats were busy recording a record number of lynchings and terrorist attacks against blacks using their enforcers, the KKK. If any person or institution should be expunged from our lives, it should be the Democrat Party. It was, after all, the party of slavery . . . .  After losing the Civil War Democrats still tried to control their former slaves. Every Southern segregation law was passed by Democrat legislatures, signed by Democrat governors and enforced by Democrat officials.

After the Civil War Democrats fought tooth and nail against Republican measures to help out the newly freed slaves. They resisted Reconstruction and part of Reconstruction was the creation of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments along with the Civil Rights Act of 1866. That’s right, there was a Civil Rights Act one hundred years before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Only 16 Democrats out of 80 voted for the 13th Amendment and not one Democrat would vote for the 14th or 15th Amendments. The Civil Rights Act was vetoed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, but the Republican Congress overrode his veto. . . . . 

With their long history of hatred and terror against blacks, not one of these Democrats ever came out and made a formal public apology for their actions and their party’s actions over the past one hundred years.

If Kate Smith’s statue is to be removed for a song that she was under contract to record, then how much more so should the Democrat Party be removed from America for its history of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and lynching.

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