Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ready For Summer? Ten Air Travel Tips

We're traveling now, so what better time to give you some of our best tips for air travel.
Are you worn down by the hassles of flying?
Tired of being treated like cattle? We know how you feel.
Sadly, those problems are not going to disappear anytime soon as air travel seems more stressful than ever and the airlines don't seem to care about you at all.
But there are steps you can take to have a better flight. Here are ten tips, from #10 all the way up to #1:
10. Bring a sleep kit: neck support, ear plugs, eye mask, etc.
9. Keep any carry-on to a minimum: small and light is the key.
8. Check most or all luggage at the gate.
7. Check all TSA and other regulations before you leave. We recommend signing up for TSA's Precheck program as the easiest way through security. For international travel, we also recommend Global Assist. No surprises; know in advance.
6. Pay for inflight WiFi only if absolutely needed. Load entertainment on your device in advance.
5. Drink plenty of water to avoid dryness and dehydration.
4. Bring hand sanitizer. Planes are dirty and full of germs. Also, wipe down your tray, seat and surroundings with your own handy wipes.
3. Pack healthy snacks. Try to avoid airline food.
2. Bring a small laptop, iPad or similar device.
1. Power down for take off and landing. These still appear to be the rules for everything except your phone, whether you like them (or understand them) or not.

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