Saturday, June 22, 2019

Here Are Some Strifes You'll Want To Read!

Mexico Becomes First Country to Approve USMCA
-Washington Examiner
“Mexico’s Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of approving the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade, a deal that would replace the North American Free Trade Agreement,” Zachary Halaschak reports. “[Canadian] Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said last week that Canada would be working ‘in tandem’ with the U.S. in hammering out final passage of the historic trade deal.”

Share: President Trump hosts Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau
How Trump’s Tax Cuts Are Helping the Middle Class
-The Daily Signal
“Steve, it’s almost like a light switch was flicked from off to on the day after the election,” one small business owner says about the effect of the Trump Presidency on his company. Tax reform expert Stephen Moore say that “the economic ramifications [of tax cuts] have been almost universally positive . . . Almost 90% of taxpayers don’t have to itemize their deduction any longer because we doubled the standard deduction.”

🎬 Reagan economist Art Laffer receives Medal of Freedom from President Trump
Ivanka Trump, Wilbur Ross: President Redoubles Efforts to Ensure Good Jobs for All
-Salisbury Post
“With a record 48 states registering unemployment rates below 5%, President Trump’s economic agenda is paying off,” which means more opportunities for job seekers, Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross write. As of today, the President’s efforts have resulted in more than 250 companies pledging more than 9 million new training opportunities for American workers and students.

🎬 Ivanka Trump in Charlotte: “We are approaching 10 million commitments” 
Pence Says Maduro ‘Must Go’ as Navy Aids Venezuelan Refugees
-The Washington Times
“Vice President Mike Pence called anew for the ouster of Venezuela’s embattled President Nicholas Maduro on Tuesday, asserting that the socialist leader’s removal is the only way democracy can be restored in the South American nation,” Carlo Muñoz reports. “We are with our neighbors and we will stand with [the Venezuelan people],” the Vice President said.

🎬 Vice President Pence: U.S. compassion “sets sail” with the USNS Comfort
Bahrain Workshop on Palestinian Economy is the Opportunity of a Generation
“This is exciting—an opportunity of a generation. We are grateful to the Kingdom of Bahrain for extending the invitation to [the Trump Administration] to host the June 25 and 26 workshop with them for the benefit of Palestinians and others in the region, offering us a unique opportunity to communicate our economic vision,” White House Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt writes. President Trump’s goal is to present “a realistic resolution and a brighter future for all those burdened with this conflict.” 
Hundreds of Migrant Caravan Members Found to Have US Criminal Histories: DHS Files
-Fox News
“Hundreds of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the southern border as part of massive migrant caravans were found to have criminal histories in the U.S., according to newly obtained Department of Homeland Security documents,” Brooke Singman reports. One caravan of nearly 8,000 migrants arrived south of California in December 2018. “660 of them had U.S. criminal convictions—with 40 convicted of assault or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and three convicted of murder.” 
President Trump Could Revolutionize the Private Health Insurance Market
-The Washington Post
“Last week, the White House finalized a rule that allows employers to fund health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) that can be used by workers to buy their own coverage on the individual market,” healthcare expert Avik Roy writes. “Some in Washington want to take health insurance choices away from workers and replace them with the diktats of politicians. The Trump initiative moves in the opposite direction.”

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