Thursday, June 27, 2019

Important Travel, Important Week, Trump On The Go!

President Donald J. Trump left Washington yesterday for Osaka, Japan, the host city for this year’s G20 Summit. When world leaders sit down with President Trump over the next few days, they know they’re meeting with a negotiating partner who isn’t bluffing when he says he’ll take tough action to protect American workers.

Free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals are a key component of President Trump’s pro-jobs, pro-growth strategy. At the G20, U.S. officials will continue working with our allies to confront unfair trade practices that hollow out our working class—including intellectual property theft, unfair labor practices, and forced technology transfer abroad.

On the way to Japan: President Trump stops in Alaska to thank our troops

After touching down in Osaka, President Trump had dinner with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. The two discussed several pressing, shared challenges, including North Korea and Iran. That meeting was the first of many for President Trump over the coming days, where trade and national security will be at the top of the agenda.

We are a country that's respected again,” President Trump said before taking off for Japan. “They didn't respect us 3, 4, 5 years ago. They respect us again.”

”Family photo”: President Trump and world leaders at last year’s G20

This week is also an important opportunity to tell the story of America’s economic revival under President Trump. Our citizens prosper when the world economy is growing, ensuring strong and stable markets for American goods and services. Pro-growth policies, such as tax reform, have added millions of new jobs, brought our manufacturing sector back to life, and restored confidence in the U.S. economy.

The world can follow America’s lead. Countries can unlock their full economic potential by investing in training to reskill workers for high-demand industries. They can also benefit by fully empowering women to participate in their economies and governments—an effort the Trump Administration is helping to lead through Ivanka Trump’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP).

President Trump is standing up for fair, reciprocal trade at this week’s G20.

🎬 President Trump: “We’ve been very good to our allies.”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Donald J. Trump greets military personnel during a refueling stop at Joint Base Elmendorf in Anchorage, Alaska, on his way to the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan | June 26, 2019

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