Saturday, June 1, 2019

You Don't Want To Miss These Stories . . .

Trump Shakes ‘Every Single Hand’ of US Air Force Graduates While Praising Their ‘Noble Road of Service’
-Independent Journal Review
“The president showered the U.S. Air Force Academy’s graduating class with praise and encouragement as they are ‘ready to fly, fight, and win,’” Madison Summers reports. “During the ceremony, Trump announced that he would shake ‘every single hand’ of the nearly [1,000] graduates as they walk across the stage.”
🎬 Watch: President Trump delivers 2019 Air Force Academy commencement speech
Over 1,000 Illegal Immigrants Apprehended in El Paso Sector, Largest Group Ever at Single Time
-Fox News
“More than 1,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents near the U.S.-Mexico border early Wednesday—the largest ever group of migrants ever apprehended at a single time,” John Roberts and Travis Fedschun report. “The fact is that [the Rio Grande Valley] is receiving caravan-equivalent numbers every seven days,” Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch said. 
Why Trump’s Tariffs on Mexico are Needed to Cut Illegal Immigration
-Fox News
“President Trump sent a message of strength and leadership Thursday night when he announced he will impose escalating tariffs on Mexico in a bold move to halt the flow of illegal immigrants and protect our national security,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd writes. “The congressional inaction we are now witnessing is made worse by Mexico’s refusal to enforce its own immigration laws, which are actually much stronger than our own.” 
Democrats Should Forget Impeachment and Turn the Page
“It would be divisive for the nation and a boon to our global competitors if Democrats choose to hobble our national agenda with superfluous, partisan impeachment,” Carrie Sheffield writes. “Clearly, Mueller is moving on and it's time for us to move on as a country, too . . . By a nearly 20-point margin, the American people do not want impeachment, according to polling by the Washington Post and ABC News.” 
My Fellow Democrats Are Skeptical About the USMCA. They Shouldn't Be
“Congress will soon vote on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), a landmark trade pact finalized by all three nations last November,” former Democratic Governor of Washington Gary Locke writes. USMCA is a “historic win for workers,” Locke says. “It would guarantee fairer pay through wage requirements, ensure safe working environments, and strengthen workers’ rights to unionize for better benefits.” 
Trump Trip to Japan Will Benefit US and Our Allies
-Fox News
“President Trump’s just-concluded visit to Japan was more than ceremonial,” Brett Velicovich writes. “By strengthening our relationship with steadfast allies such as Japan, the president has placed America in an even better position to pacify the North Korean regime and bring an end to one of the biggest global security challenges of the century.”
 First Lady Melania Trump in Japan
President Trump Puts US Service Members in Spotlight During Memorial Day Address
-Stars and Stripes
“President Donald Trump spoke Tuesday to 1,000 sailors and Marines and a few servicemembers from other branches aboard the [USS Wasp], which was moored at Yokosuka Naval Base” in Japan, Seth Robson reports. “The president also surprised an enlisted sailor and Marine by calling them onto a stage and inviting them to say a few words of their own.”
🎬 Watch: President Trump and the First Lady visit Japan
A Tariff Issue on Which Free and Fair Traders Can Agree
-The Wall Street Journal
“American exporters face systematically higher tariffs in the markets of more than 100 U.S. trading partners,” White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro writes. “Whether you’re a pure free trader or a fair, reciprocal and balanced trader like the president, if you live in a relatively low-tariff country like the U.S., you should oppose an international trading system that helps institutionalize nonreciprocal tariffs.”

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