Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hey, You Don't Want To Miss THESE Stories!

50 Years After Americans First Walked on the Moon, It’s Time for Another ‘Giant Leap’ for Mankind
On July 20, 1969, man took his first steps on the moon—a goal that President John F. Kennedy set less than a decade before but never lived to see. President Donald J. Trump has committed to putting Americans back on the Moon by 2024, establishing a human presence there by 2028, and charting a path for the eventual exploration of Mars from there. 
Nearly Two Dozen MS-13 Members From Central America Charged For Horrifying Murders in 'Sanctuary' California
“The Department of Justice announced the arrest of nearly two dozen MS-13 gang members this week who are connected to horrific murders carried out in California,” Katie Pavlich writes. Of the 22 individuals charged, 19 were in the United States illegally. “California, a sanctuary state that refuses to work with Immigration and Customs enforcement, protected them.”

President Trump: My Administration “is taking care of these thugs now!”
Bullet-Riddled U.S. Flag that Survived D-Day Comes Home 75 years Later
“Shot through by German machine gun bullets and tattered by the wind, an American flag that flew on the first U.S. invading ship on D-Day came home on Thursday in a White House ceremony,” Steve Holland reports. “The flag handover was a main part of the visit to the White House by Mark Rutte, prime minister of the Netherlands, who held Oval Office talks with President Donald Trump.”

In photosA beautiful piece of history 
Trump Admin Tackles Rising Anti-Semitism
-The Washington Free Beacon
“The Trump administration is working on multiple fronts to investigate and combat a rising tide of anti-Semitism in America that top officials warned is spreading across the country via a network of far left, anti-Israel activists, who seek to mainstream hatred against Jews at the nation's college campuses and elsewhere,” Adam Kredo reports.

 Watch: America is one “squad” under God
Vice President Pence: Congress Must Pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
-The Washington Post
“Leaders on both sides of the aisle in Congress have long recognized the failures of the trade deal the USMCA will replace: the North American Free Trade Agreement,” the Vice President writes. “That outdated trade deal has hurt middle-class Americans, stifled innovation and left entire communities shuttered as jobs and opportunity have moved south of the border.” 
Peter Navarro: President Trump Continues to Deliver on his Promise to ‘Buy American, Hire American’
-Fox News
This week, President Trump issued an executive order that requires Federal agencies to buy domestic iron, steel, and other materials for projects including airports, roads, and bridges, White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro writes. “Buy American federal procurement rules provide good manufacturing jobs at good wages, propelling more workers into middle-class prosperity.”

🎬 Watch: The 3rd annual “Made in America Showcase” at the White House
Drug Overdose Deaths Drop in U.S. for First Time Since 1990
-The New York Times
“Three decades of ever-escalating deaths from drug overdoses in the United States may have come to an end . . . Total drug overdose deaths in America declined by around 5 percent last year, the first drop since 1990,” The New York Times reports. “The decline was due almost entirely to a dip in deaths from prescription opioid painkillers.” President Trump declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency in 2017. 
President Trump's Asylum Action Will Help Ease the Border Crisis
-Washington Examiner
“This week, the Trump administration continued its efforts to bring order to the southern border by imposing new rules on the asylum-seeking process,” the Washington Examinereditorial board writes. Under the new rule, an alien who enters or attempts to enter the United States across the southern border, but who passed through other countries en route without applying for protections, will be ineligible for asylum here.

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