Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ten Wonderful Reason To LOVE Summer!

You may think that summer is nearing an end.
You're wrong, wrong, wrong! We've got the entire month of August ahead of us and much more.
But more on that later.
For now, let's continue to savor summer and dwell on the great reasons to cultivate our love for this wonderful season:

1) Summer clothing. It's minimalist, to say the least. Shorts, a tee, sandals and you're ready to go. Hooray!

2) Hot dogs. They just taste better in the summer, don't they? And burgers, too -- and just about anything on the grill.

3) The seashore. Philly calls it "downashore" (all one word). No matter what you call it, this is the time of the year for catching the waves and enjoying ocean breezes.

4) Outdoor entertainment. Concerts, comedy, theater -- you name it. It's great fun outdoors and/or under the stars.

5) Baseball. Whether you're a fan or not, it's intertwined with summer. From sandlot to stadium, it spells America!

7) Fireworks. They're not just for the 4th or July. They're part of lighting up any summer night.

8) Road trips. Summer is the season for adventures on wheels. Head out there!

9) The mountains. Refreshing breezes. Cooler nights. Open skies and fresh air. Delightful!

10) Doin nothin! Resting in a hammock, under a tree. Gazing across a pond. Gone fishin! THAT'S what summer is all about!

Do YOU have a special reason why you love summer? Let's hear about it!

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