Saturday, July 27, 2019

You Don't Want To Miss These Stories . . .

The Do-Over Delusion
-The Washington Times
“Beating a dead horse is an exercise in futility. Hammering on Robert Mueller, author of the vaunted Mueller Report, has proved no more productive,” The Washington Timeseditorial board writes. “No matter how many times Democrats demand a do-over, the results won’t change . . . Each copy [of the report] spells out in black and white the failure to find that Mr. Trump committed a crime.”

 While Democrats wasted 2 years, President Trump delivered REAL results
Death of the Impeachment Dream
-The Wall Street Journal
“House Democrats hoped that Wednesday’s hearings would allow them to highlight their favorite portions of the Mueller report for people who haven’t read it. Democrats didn’t expect this segment of Americans to include the author,” James Freeman writes. Regarding “a document with which he seemed strangely unfamiliar, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller let stand the report’s finding of no Trump-Russia collusion.”

Rep. John Ratcliffe: The bedrock of justice is presumption of innocence
Trump’s Workforce Initiative to Provide Skills Training for 12 Million Americans
-The Epoch Times
On Thursday, company executives and workers joined President Trump at the White House “to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the ‘Pledge to America’s Workers,’ an initiative to address the workforce skills shortage problem in the country,” Emel Akan reports. “The president’s call to action for the pledge has become a full-blown national movement,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump said.

🎬 Ivanka Trump: This Pledge means 12 million American lives improved
Trump Hails New Defense Secretary Mark Esper
-New York Post
“President Trump took part in the swearing-in ceremony for new Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Thursday — hailing his experience in the military and defense industry,” Bob Fredericks reports. “I have absolute confidence that Mark will ensure that our incredible military is fully prepared to deter conflict and defeat any foe,” the President said at the Pentagon. Esper was confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday by a 90-8 vote. 
Mentions of Immigration as Top Problem Surpass Record High
Jeffrey Jones writes that “after hitting a new high last month, mentions of immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. increased further to 27% in July.” As Jones explains, that number is historically significant. “Gallup has asked the ‘most important problem’ question since 1939 . . . Over the past 19 years, only five other issues have been mentioned at some point by at least the 27% who named immigration this month.” 
Deregulation Explodes Under Trump, 13 Regulations Killed for Every New One, $33B Saved
-Washington Examiner
“When Donald Trump in 2016 pledged to kill two Obama-era regulations for every new one, crowds went wild,” Paul Bedard writes. The Trump Administration has blown that goal out of the water. “We’ve hit 13 to 1,” acting White House Budget Director Russ Vought says—leading to a $33 billion in total savings for taxpayers to date.

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