Thursday, August 8, 2019

Indeed, 'Some Of The Greatest People On Earth!'

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump traveled yesterday to both Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, meeting with survivors, victims’ families, medical workers, and first responders in the wake of last weekend’s sickening violence.

“My time spent in Dayton and El Paso with some of the greatest people on earth,” President Trump tweeted after visiting local hospitals and a law enforcement emergency operations center in Texas. “Thank you for a job well done!”

“Their communities are strong and unbreakable,” the First Lady wrote on Twitter.

First Lady shares powerful photos from visits to Dayton and El Paso.

The ‘experts’ who broke our economy don’t understand how President Trump is fixing it

American jobless claims fell yet again last week, meaning fewer of our citizens are having to file for unemployment benefits in this strong labor market. Unsurprisingly, the left-wing media and their chosen economists weren’t predicting that result.

“Here in the U.S. – despite claims that tariffs would end the current economic recovery and increase consumer costs – our economy remains the envy of the world,” former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder writes for Fox News. “Inflation is in check, unemployment is near a half-century low, wages are surging and economic growth is continuing to beat expectations.”

So while the left’s mostly self-appointed experts claim this President doesn’t know what he’s doing on trade or the economy, the results prove they’re the ones with much to learn.

Take China. For years, both Democrats and Republicans promised to hold Beijing accountable for breaking the rules on trade. China is responsible for 87 percent of the counterfeit goods seized entering America. Its intellectual property theft costs U.S. employers billions each year. Its average tariff rate is nearly three times what we charge.

Unlike past leaders, President Trump is actually keeping his promise to make China play by the rules. The left doesn’t like that: They argue that upsetting China will hurt the economy. In reality, the Trump program of tax cuts for workers, deregulation, and policies that put American industries first—from farmers to manufacturers to energy producers—is finally allowing the United States to negotiate from a position of strength.

“A skilled negotiator like President Trump knows that you should never rush into a deal, even if the political benefits are compelling,” Puzder writes. “As a nation, we would eventually pay the price for a deal driven by politics rather than substance.”

Meanwhile, China is seeing lower long-term investment, sluggish retail sales, and reduced GDP growth, according to National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow. “The economic burden of these tariffs is falling almost 100 percent on China,” he said. 

The Trump Economy is already strong, especially for the blue-collar workers who need it most. Once China ends its decades-long trade war on America, the United States’ economic future will be brighter than it’s been in many, many years. 

In case you missed it: “The 99% Get a Bigger Raise”

More: “Here’s the truth about Trump’s Pledge to America’s Workers”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Trump meets with medical staff during his visit with shooting victims and family members at the University Medical Center of El Paso | August 7, 2019

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