Sunday, August 4, 2019

Record Employment And Bigger Paychecks!

The 99% Get a Bigger Raise
-The Wall Street Journal
“Political discourse nowadays is enough to depress anyone, and the media don’t help by ignoring good economic news. But buck up, Americans: Worker wages are growing much faster than previously reported,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. American workers’ paychecks rose 4.5 percent in 2017 and 5 percent in 2018. 
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July
“The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released [Friday] by the Bureau of Labor Statistics,” Terence Jeffrey reports. “That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June.” The unemployment rate also held firm in July at 3.7 percent—a near-half century low.

Council of Economic Advisers: Economy adds jobs as wages continue to grow
Trump Commemorates 400th Anniversary of First American Assembly for Democracy at Jamestown
-CBN News
America celebrated a milestone this week: “400 years since the first meeting of a representative legislature in what would later become the United States of America,” Andrea Morris writes. “Speaking at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA, President Trump commemorated the first meeting of the House of Burgesses in a small wooden church in nearby Jamestown, VA.”

 Watch: President Trump visits spot where self-government took root in 1619
Trump Signs Bill Ensuring 9/11 Victims Fund Will Never Run Out of Money
-NBC News
“President Donald Trump on Monday signed a bill ensuring that a fund to compensate victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks never runs out of money,” Adam Edelman reports. “Addressing the numerous 9/11 first responders in attendance for the signing moments later, Trump said, ‘Over the last two decades, you have endured hardship with amazing grace and incredible grit.’”

 President Trump: “We come together as one nation to support our September 11th heroes”
Trump Administration Announces Plan to Allow Imports of Prescription Drugs
-Washington Examiner
“The Trump administration announced plans to allow the importation of drugs from other countries, a major part of President Trump's agenda for lowering the cost of prescriptions,” Cassidy Morrison reports. “This is the next important step in the Administration’s work to end foreign freeloading,” HHS Secretary Alex Azar said.

🎬 Secretary Azar: A pathway to get cheaper, FDA-approved foreign drugs
How America Needs to Follow Up On the First Step Act
-New York Post
“Twenty-two years. That’s how long I spent behind bars before the First Step Act was signed into law — and, just like that, I had a second chance,” writes Matthew Charles, one of the first inmates to benefit from President Trump’s historic criminal justice reform. The reality is that “bills like the First Step Act sat stalled in Congress for years, through control of both parties, before Trump stepped in,” Charles says. 
Baltimore Murder Rate Worse than Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Driving Asylum Surge
-Washington Examiner
“The Baltimore murder rate is higher than the three Central American nations driving the border surge by migrants seeking to flee crime and murder back home,” Paul Bedard reports. Baltimore’s murder rate “was reported at 56 per 100,000. The city is on track for 340 murders. By comparison, said the Princeton Policy Advisors analysis, the murder rate in El Salvador was 50, in Guatemala it was 22 and Honduras was 38.”

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