Saturday, August 24, 2019

You May Have Missed These Stories . . .

NBA Star Bob Cousy Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom, Nation's Highest Civilian Honor
-Fox News
“Basketball legend Bob Cousy received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in an Oval Office ceremony on Thursday,” Frank Miles reports. Cousy played for the Boston Celtics from 1950 to 1963, winning six NBA championships and earning league MVP in 1957. “He is a great champion,” President Trump said.

  Watch: President Trump presents the Medal of Freedom 
Trump Signs Order to Expedite Forgiving Student Loan Debt for Disabled Veterans
“President Donald Trump signed a memo to automatically discharge federal student loan debt for permanently and totally disabled veterans during his visit to Louisville Wednesday, where he addressed more than 1,000 veterans,” Chris Kenning reports. The President vowed to eliminate “every penny” of the average $30,000 in student loan debt facing roughly 25,000 disabled veterans.

  Watch: President Trump’s unwavering support for our wounded warriors
Team Trump’s Humane Fix for Migrant Families Crossing the Border
-New York Post
“How do you stop the torrent of kids risking their lives and coming to America illegally? One key way: by finally fixing the Flores agreement, as President Trump hopes to do,” the New York Post editorial board writes. The cap “set up a Catch-22: If kids can’t be held more than 20 days, and no one wants to separate them from their parents (or other adults they come with), then the only option is to release the whole family. That creates an enormous incentive for adult migrants to bring kids along, even if the journey puts them in danger.” 
Tlaib, Omar All About Weakening Israel, They Stay Silent on Hamas, Palestinian Authority
-Fox News
“It should come as no shock that Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan are unwelcome in Israel,” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) writes. “The two congresswomen attack Israel while remaining silent on Hamas using women and children as human shields, denying humanitarian aid to its own people, calling jihad an obligation, and launching rockets into Israel that kill innocent civilians.” 
American Workers Are Winning
-Fox Business
“The U.S. economy has added millions of jobs, and even long-neglected sectors like manufacturing are having a resurgence,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross writes. Economic health has rebounded from the lows of the Obama Administration: “For the first time since 2009, year over year nominal hourly wage growth met or surpassed 3 percent under the Trump Administration.” 
Irresponsible Dem Attacks on ICE Inspire Violence by Domestic Terrorists
-Fox News
“Some prominent Democrats have declared war on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), threatening the lives of federal officials in order to advance a radical political agenda and a policy of open borders,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd writes. “Unfortunately, Democrats and their media enablers routinely downplay left-wing violence – and in some cases actively encourage it.” 
Justice: 64% of Federal Arrests are Noncitizens, With a 200% Increase
-Washington Examiner
“Federal arrests of noncitizens have jumped over 200% in the last 20 years and now account for 64% of those arrested,” Paul Bedard reports. “Over that 20-year period, groups such as MS-13 have surged, first in urban areas and recently into rural communities, and drug and human trafficking have also increased over the U.S.-Mexico border.”

  Watch: Wall construction is underway near Otay Mesa, California!

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