Monday, September 2, 2019

Media Needlessly Bully A Beautiful, Gracious Lady

An eloquent defense of Melania Trump from Miranda devine in the New York Post. Here's a portion:
. . . she speaks six languages: her native Slovenian, English, French, Serbian, German and Italian.
She may not have finished college, but she had the street smarts to escape her tiny town in an impoverished Eastern Bloc country and survive on her wits in America. She’s no political naïf, either: If your family has experienced communism firsthand, you have a pretty attuned sense of politics and ideology.
At the recent G-7 in France, she did not put a foot wrong.
With the eyes of the world on you, it must be nerve-wracking to ensure you don’t trip or have a wardrobe malfunction or say something silly to embarrass your husband and nation. Anyone who has accompanied a spouse to an important business function would know the pressure.
But Melania always looked lovely and engaged charmingly with world leaders.
Click here to read the entire column.

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