Friday, September 27, 2019

As Circus Plays On, They Ignore REAL Problems!

There are a handful of real, pressing concerns on the minds of American families today. 
They want pro-worker trade deals such as USMCA. Affordable prescription drug prices. Strong border security. Real gun safety. Even a bit of progress on any one of these issues would bring a huge sigh of relief from citizens that Washington is finally putting them first. 
While this checklist is only a start, all of these items have something important in common: Congress could have taken meaningful action on any one of them this week.
Instead, Congressional Democrats chose to dedicate their time to yet another political circus hearing, this time about a “whistleblower” report. This latest conspiracy theory alleges that the Trump Administration tried to cover up a transcript of a phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine. 
The White House has made the call available for all to see, but that’s not even the best part. It turns out the “whistleblower” had no first-hand knowledge of anything being alleged. 
You can’t make this stuff up.  
Of course, the political theater took over Washington once again with wall-to-wall coverage from the left’s usual media allies. It was yet another week completely wasted for Congress, who has real work to do keeping its promises to American voters. But like cats chasing a laser pointer, Democrats and their surrogates are jumping at anything that moves if it means they can avoid actually having to get anything done for a little bit longer.
The scariest part? This might only be the beginning. With House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s caucus increasingly dominated by a radical left wing that demands open borders, socialized medicine, and a complete government takeover of the economy under euphemisms like the “Green New Deal,” political theater for the adoring liberal press may be the only thing holding the left together. Democrat leaders have no power against the rising Democratic Socialist stars in their party, so they have no choice but to give in to their childish antics. 
So while Democrats in Congress have thrown nearly 3 years down the drain as a result, President Trump is keeping his focus on what matters to working Americans, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said today:
“Nothing has changed with the release of this complaint, which is nothing more than a collection of third-hand accounts of events and cobbled-together press clippings—all of which shows nothing improper. The President took the extraordinary and transparent steps of releasing the full, unredacted, and declassified transcript of his call with President Zelensky, which forms the heart of the complaint, as well as the complaint itself. That is because he has nothing to hide. The White House will continue to push back on the hysteria and false narratives being peddled by Democrats and many in the mainstream media, and President Trump will continue to work hard on behalf of the American people as he always does.” 

Gallup: Americans' trust in the media is falling – down to 36% for Independents 
Par for the course: Schiff opens hearing by ‘making up quotes’ 

What working hard for America looks like

This week, President Trump was in New York for the U.N. General Assembly, where he wasted no time delivering results for American citizens while meeting with world leaders. 
Each day had a different focus, but in every single one, the President put the interests of the American people above all else:
   With the U.S.–Japan deal, “Nebraska farmers can finally catch a break.”
🎬 Watch: First Lady Melania Trump rings the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Donald J. Trump’s motorcade drives to the Wall Street Landing Zone in New York for his return to Washington, D.C. | September 26, 2019

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