Sunday, September 15, 2019

Eight Big Stories You Dare Not Miss . . .

9/11 Anniversary: Trump Says Day Is 'Seared into Our Soul' as Nation Remembers 18 Years Later
-Fox News
“Eighteen years after the Tuesday morning President Trump says ‘is seared into our soul,’ the nation paused to solemnly mark the events of the 9/11 terror attacks and the nearly 3,000 people who were lost – but never forgotten,” Greg Norman reports. President Trump and the First Lady led a moment of silence with victims’ families at the White House before traveling to a remembrance ceremony at the Pentagon.

🎬 Watch: President Trump and the First Lady honor 9/11 victims
'We Pay a Debt of Honor': VP Pence, Others Remember Flight 93 Victims
-Pittsburgh Post-Tribune
“Not far from where Vice President Mike Pence stood Wednesday morning at the Flight 93 National Memorial stands its 93-foot-tall Tower of Voices, where wind chimes of different musical notes symbolize each of the 40 individuals who thwarted another attack on Sept. 11, 2001,” Julian Routh writes.

 Vice President Pence: A “common field” became a “field of honor forever”
Democrats Should Give Trump a Win on His Trade Deal with Mexico and Canada
-The Washington Post
Even The Washington Post’s liberal editorial board agrees that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should allow a vote on President Trump’s trade deal with Canada and Mexico. “It’s better not to gamble with people’s jobs and income, even for an understandable political reason, unless overriding substantive policy concerns justify it. They don’t.” 
Trump Keeps Winning on Immigration – Against All Odds. Supreme Court Decision is Victory for All
-Fox News
“The Supreme Court’s decision late Wednesday allowing the Trump administration to implement its policy making it harder for migrants to qualify for asylum in the U.S. is a victory not just for President Trump, but more importantly for the American people and for the rule of law,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd writes.

 Promise kept: The border wall is going up fast!
CNN Tries to Blame Trump for the Obama Administration’s Leaks
-The Washington Post
“Here’s some advice for the media covering President Trump: If you don’t want to be accused of reporting fake news, don’t report fake news,” Marc Thiessen writes. This week, CNN falsely reported that President Trump mishandled classified information, when it turns out the leaks in question came from the Obama Administration. Oops!

More: Eddie Scarry: “CNN’s big ‘mistakes’ all run in one direction: anti-Trump”
Trump’s Plan to Stem Border Crossings Gets Results
“President Donald Trump’s plan to force Mexico to stem the flow of migrants across the southwest border of the U.S. appears to be working,” Ted Hesson reports. Border apprehensions plummeted to 51,000 in August after President Trump put pressure on Mexican officials to address illegal immigration across their country earlier this year. 
President Trump Is Making History For Black Colleges And Universities
-The Daily Caller
“It’s National Historically Black Colleges and Universities [HBCU] Week, and President Trump is marking the occasion like no president in history,” including with this week’s speech at the annual HBCU Conference, Paris Dennard writes. “Unfortunately, President Trump will never get the credit he deserves for all he has done for HBCUs.” 
‘Historic Milestone’: Senate Confirms 150th Trump Judicial Nominee
-The Washington Times
“The U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump’s 150th judicial nominee Wednesday, helping to fulfill the president’s campaign promise to remake the federal bench with a conservative bent,” Alex Swoyer reports. The tally so far: 105 lower federal court judges, 43 circuit court nominees, and two Supreme Court Justices.

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