Saturday, September 7, 2019

Jobs Boom, Post Bust And Opportunity For Congress

Record 157,878,000 Employed in August
-CNS News
The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,878,000 in August, the 21st record set under President Donald Trump,” Susan Jones reports. “The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent. For blacks, the unemployment rate dropped to a record low of 5.5 percent last month. And for Hispanics, the unemployment rate was 4.2 percent in August, which ties the record low set earlier this year.”

More: “Job creation continues strong in August”
The Washington Post’s Lost Summer
-Washington Examiner
“It’s been a lost summer for the Washington Post,” White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham and Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley write. “Despite record-setting accomplishments in record-setting time, data shows the news coverage of Trump has been 92% negative. The most egregious and dangerous forms of this bias thrived this summer at media outlets like the Washington Post, which routinely masquerade opinion as news.”

 What the media “forgot:” President Trump’s summer of winning!
Ivanka Meets Guaidó Aides, Announces $120 Million in US Aid for Displaced Venezuelans
-McClatchy DC
“Ivanka Trump met with aides to Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaidó in Colombia on Wednesday to underscore support for a ‘democratic transition in Venezuela’ and offer $120 million in U.S. assistance to neighboring countries under strain from a refugee crisis,” Michael Wilner reports. “We stand with the people of Venezuela in their struggle to restore democracy, freedom and rule of law,” Ms. Trump said.

 Ivanka Trump helps launch new Academy of Women Entrepreneurs
USMCA Good Deal for Union Workers
-Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
By protecting American jobs and labor, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a better deal in every sense than NAFTA, the outdated pact that currently governs North American trade. “NAFTA enabled giant corporations to outsource jobs . . . Unions have railed against NAFTA for three decades. Now, their allies in Congress finally have an opportunity to scrap that deal and replace it,” Deena Flinchum writes.
NBA Legend Jerry West Honored with Presidential Medal of Freedom
-Fox News
“President Trump awarded basketball legend Jerry West the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, on Thursday, continuing a run by Trump of recognizing American sports greats . . . [The President] said West ‘richly deserved’ the medal, citing the West Virginia native's years as a decorated player, executive, and supporter of the nation’s war veterans,” Frank Miles reports.
Trump Administration Awards $1.8 Billion in Grants to Combat Opioid Epidemic
-The Wall Street Journal
“The Trump administration on Wednesday announced it was awarding $1.8 billion in grants to help states and communities continue to battle the opioid epidemic, part of the administration’s broader effort to drive down overdose deaths and addiction,” Stephanie Armour writes. “My administration is determined to use every resource at our disposal to smash the grip of addiction,” President Trump said.

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