Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Here Are Three Absolute MUST Reads Right Now!

What Are the Democrats Hiding About Impeachment Inquiry?

“America’s top two Trump-hating newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, have now both called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to hold a vote of the full House of Representatives to make the ‘impeachment inquiry’ truly official — and to set rules like those for the inquiries targeting Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, so that the minority party and the White House weren’t totally sidelined,” the New York Post editorial board writes.

“So far, though, Pelosi and her impeachment pointman, Rep. Adam Schiff, are moving the opposite way,” holding closed door hearings and even suggesting that the “whistleblower” whose account launched this entire probe may not need to testify at all.

Click here to read more.
“There is no doubt the 25-year-old [NAFTA] agreement is past its prime. It is increasingly hurting Alaskan businesses with lax enforcement of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; failure to police fishing subsidies; and outdated intellectual property and digital trade rules,” Gov. Mike Dunleavy (R-AK) writes for Fox News. “Unfortunately, [USMCA’s] commonsense measures are being blocked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”
“Udacity, the online education company founded by Sebastian Thrun, is launching a new scholarship initiative as part of the Pledge to America’s Workers job training initiative undertaken by the administration of President Donald Trump,” Jonathan Shieber reports for TechCrunch. “Udacity is committing to giving away free introductory technology training classes to 20,000 applicants every year.”

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