Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Poll: Voters Are Angriest At . . . The Media!

Voters are mad at President Trump and his political opponents, but they’re angriest at the media these days.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters are angry at the president, with 39% who are Very Angry. Forty-six percent (46%) are not angry at Trump, including 34% who are Not At All Angry. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Forty-nine percent (49%) are angry at Trump’s political opponents, including 32% who are Very Angry. Forty-six percent (46%) aren’t angry with the president’s foes, with 24% who are Not At All Angry.

These findings are little changed from July of last year. In June 2017, 48% were angry at Trump, 51% at his political opponents.

But 61% of voters are angry at the media; 38% are not. This includes 40% who are Very Angry and just 19% who are Not At All Angry. Fifty-three percent (53%) were angry at the media in June of last year, but a high of 66% felt that way in June 2010, early in Barack Obama’s presidency.

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