Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Blues, Italy And The Guy At The Center Of It All!

The reigning NHL champion St. Louis Blues had one final celebration of their incredible 2019 season yesterday, when they brought the Stanley Cup to the White House at the invitation of President Donald J. Trump.

“These are great champions behind me,” the President said from the Rose Garden.

The Blues have an all-American comeback story. Midway through the season, they were ranked dead last in the NHL. In January, after another devastating loss, the team gathered at a bar in Philadelphia to watch an NFL playoff game. While they were there, the DJ put on the 1982 hit “Gloria.”   

After a round of singing and dancing, the team decided to adopt the song for the remainder of the season, playing it after each win. The next day, the Blues shut out the Philadelphia Flyers. Five months later, they would play it as Stanley Cup champions.

More on the St. Louis Blues’ visit to the White House.

Why Italy matters for the American people 

America’s partnership with Italy has proven vital for our national security. As President Trump encourages more of our allies to step up and share the defense burden with the United States, Italy has been among the top contributors of troops to the NATO alliance. Their country also currently hosts about 30,000 U.S. service members.

Building on this strong bond, President Trump hosted Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the White House today, where the two leaders held a joint press conference. President Trump also took questions on America’s role in the Middle East.

  President Trump on SyriaI want to bring our soldiers home.

In just one example of Italy’s crucial role on the world stage, leaders in Rome have been in lockstep with the United States on the pressing issue of cybersecurity. They have guarded against efforts by untrusted network providers—mainly from China—to take a foothold, which could harm digital trade and freedom for people the world over.   

Italian Americans have also been one of the most vibrant immigrant communities throughout our nation’s history. Their contributions date back centuries. In celebration of these enduring ties, President Trump and the First Lady are hosting a reception tonight in the East Room with both Italy’s leader and members of the Italian-American community.  

Watch: “A shared cultural and political heritage dating back . . . to Ancient Rome.”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian 
President Donald J. Trump stands with Italian President Sergio Mattarella along the West Wing Colonnade | October 16, 2019  

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