Saturday, October 5, 2019

The GOOD News Liberals Don't Want You ToKnow!

US Unemployment Rate Falls to Five-Decade Low of 3.5%
-New York Post
America’s unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low last month, dropping to 3.5 percent and matching a level last seen in December 1969, Alexandra Steigrad reports. “The jobless rate for Hispanics also hit a new record low, while the level for African Americans maintained its lowest level ever.”

More6.4 million jobs since Election Day—more than the population of Maryland!
Trump's Transparency is Driving the Left Nuts (and Messing Up Their Impeachment Dreams)
-Fox News
“He wasn't supposed to release the transcripts. Or the whistleblower report. He was expected to do what any president would have done – what President Obama always did. Hide the evidence,” former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) writes. House Democrats “weren't counting on the president's unprecedented transparency. Nobody releases a transcript of calls between heads of state. But Donald Trump did.”

🎬 President Trump: “They’re trying to stop me because I’m fighting for you.”
Schiff’s Shifty Timeline
-The Wall Street Journal
“If the latest impeachment push continues to backfire, Democrats can thank their duplicitous House Intelligence chairman, Adam Schiff,” Kimberly Strassel writes. This week, a bombshell report revealed that Schiff’s team had advance knowledge of the complaint from the “whistleblower”—and withheld that fact from the American public.

4 Pinocchios: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower.” – Adam Schiff
First Lady Begins Wyoming Visit with Tour of Jackson
-Casper Star-Tribune
“First lady Melania Trump kicked off a two-day visit to Wyoming on Thursday, meeting with local fourth graders and touring a sliver of Wyoming backcountry as part of promotional efforts for her ‘Be Best’ initiative,” Nick Reynolds writes. “In Jackson Hole Mercantile, which faces the town square, many customers were caught by surprise, according to a shopkeeper, with some saying that the first lady’s visit ‘made their day.’”

 Watch: First Lady explores Wyoming’s Snake River with 4th graders
Trump Says Dems Out to 'Raid Medicare' to Fund Socialism; He Signs Executive Order Seeking Changes
-Fox News
President Trump signed an executive order on Thursday to protect the current Medicare system—a stark contrast to Congressional Democrats’ “Medicare-for-All” scheme, Andrew O’Reilly reports. “Signing the order at the Villages – a retirement community north of Orlando – Trump singled out Democrats he said want to ‘totally obliterate Medicare.’”

 Seniors will never lose their Medicare on President Trump’s watch.
Ivanka Trump Joins Google CEO in Dallas for Tech Giant's $3.5M Pledge to White House Jobs Initiative
-The Dallas Morning Star
“With first daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump by his side, Google CEO Sundar Pichai signed a pledge Thursday in Dallas that the company will boost its investment in tech skills training for American workers,” Melissa Repko reports. Google is one of more than 350 companies to join the White House’s Pledge to America's Workers.

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