Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Spiritual Crisis Millennials Are Facing Now!

The Cardinal NewmanSociety has provided the following fromThe National Catholic Register, written by Patrick Reilly, President and Founder of the Society:
A new study by the Pew Research Center shows that less than half of American millennials—those young adults from age 23 to 38—call themselves Christians. This is the second recent study that should wake up Catholics to the very serious dangers of our secular culture and the urgent need to renew faithful Catholic education.

The other recent Pew study found that only 26% of self-professed Catholics under the age of 40 believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

These results are devastating! But sadly, they are not shocking. Our culture has rapidly fallen into that “age of infidelity” that Saint John Henry Newman predicted, and too may Catholic institutions have been complicit in the slide from faith and tradition.

It’s a clear generational decline. The Pew study shows that the Silent Generation currently identifies as 84% Christian; the Baby Boomers, 76%; and Generation X, 67%. 
Now we find ourselves with young adults who are only 49% Christian, which raises the question: Where do we go from here?

Continue reading at The National Catholic Register...

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