Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Historic Moment And A Milestone 'First'

WATCH: President Trump attends ‘America’s Parade’ in New York City

President Donald J. Trump spoke at New York City’s historic Veterans Day parade yesterday, becoming the first sitting President to do so in the event’s 100-year history.

“Today, we come together as one nation to salute the veterans of the United States Armed Forces—the greatest warriors to ever walk the face of the Earth,” he said.

Once a year, thousands of patriotic Americans line the streets of Manhattan on Veterans Day. The tradition dates back to 1919, when people filled block after block to welcome home General John Pershing and 25,000 American soldiers after the Allies’ victory in World War I. Every year since, citizens across our country come together on November 11, marking the day the Armistice was signed in 1918 to end the Great War.

“Our veterans risked everything for us. Now it is our duty to serve and protect them every single day of our lives,” the President said.

The Trump Administration has worked tirelessly to keep that promise by reforming the VA to serve our heroes better. So far, President Trump has: 
  • Secured $86.5 billion for the VA, the largest funding bill in Department history
  • Signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act into law, which makes it easier to prevent scandal, fraud, and waste by bureaucrats
  • Created a White House VA Hotline, active 24 hours a day and 7 days a week
  • Signed the VA MISSION Act, a sweeping reform of the entire VA system
“To every veteran here today and all across our land: You are America’s greatest living heroes and we will cherish you now, always, and forever,” the President said.

 More: Vice President Pence speaks at Arlington National Cemetery

MUST READ: “The 1995 NYC Veterans Day Parade Had $1.21 In The Bank. Then Donald Trump Stepped In”

President Trump: We chose to reject ‘American decline’

Before heading back to Washington today, President Trump spoke at the Economic Club of New York, where he shared more good news about the booming blue-collar, middle-class Trump Economy.

🎬 President Trump: Blue-collar jobs are back and leading the way!

“I never believed for one moment that our magnificent nation was destined for a diminished future. I knew that our destiny was in our own hands—that we could choose to reject a future of American decline, and to build a future of American dominance,” the President said.

America’s economic future looked bleak before President Trump took office—and that was according to the last Administration’s own “experts.” Their game plan was to provide cover for Washington’s globalist policies that produced stagnation, a shrinking middle class, and the rapid decline of our nation’s manufacturing sector.

The “new normal” is the phrase those experts came up with. Fortunately, the American people didn’t buy it—and they elected a new leader who didn’t buy it, either.

“I refused to accept that Americans had to lower their expectations or give up on their dreams,” President Trump said today. The results speak volumes: Nearly 7 million new jobs have already been created since his election, outpacing the “expert” predictions of fewer than 2 million. America’s unemployment rate recently hit its lowest mark in more than 50 years, with the lowest rates ever for African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

“Today, I am proud to stand before you as President of the United States to report that we have delivered on our promises and exceeded our expectations by a very wide margin.”

In case you missed it: African-American unemployment rate hits record low!

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a wreath laying at the New York City Veterans Day Parade | November 11, 2019

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