Saturday, November 2, 2019

Five Big SIGNIFICANT Stories You Can't Miss!

October Job Creation Comes in at 128,000, Easily Topping Estimates
American job growth has surpassed 100,000 jobs added in 32 of the 35 months since President Donald J. Trump was elected. October was no different, Jeff Cox reports. “Nonfarm payrolls rose by 128,000 in October as the U.S. economy overcame the weight of the GM autoworkers’ strike and created jobs at a pace well above expectations . . . The unemployment rate for African Americans nudged down to a record low 5.4%.”

MarketWatch: S&P 500, Nasdaq hit new records on October jobs numbers
A Partisan Impeachment Vote
-The Wall Street Journal
“The Pelosi impeachment resolution was supposed to deprive the GOP of its complaint that the process wasn’t formal,” Kimberley Strassel writes. Instead, the House vote “handed Republicans the gift of bipartisanship. In what was something of an embarrassment for the speaker, two Democrats, New Jersey’s Rep. Jeff Van Drew and Minnesota’s Rep. Collin Peterson, voted with Republicans against the impeachment resolution.”

🎬 While Democrats obstruct, President Trump continues to deliver results!
A Tragedy for the Nation – and Democracy
-New York Post
“Impeachment is now one party against America,” Michael Goodwin writes. “After months of pushing back against impeachment, Pelosi has abandoned any pretense of being a leader. She has jumped on the bandwagon led by such kooks as Texas Rep. Al Green. He has been demanding impeachment since 2017 — on what grounds, he didn’t know and didn’t care.” 
Overdose Deaths Drop Sharply in States Hard Hit by Opioid Crisis
-Bloomberg Law
“The nation’s deadly opioid epidemic shows signs of ebbing as the Trump administration Oct. 30 reported a 5.1% drop in overdose deaths, with sharper declines in some of the most hard-hit states,” Shira Stein reports. The new figures reveal “a 24% reduction in Ohio, 17% in Kentucky, and 9% in West Virginia, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said.”

Associated Press“White House Launches Website Aimed at Addiction Treatment”
Melania Trump, Karen Pence Visit Elementary School Students
-Fox News
First Lady Melania Trump and Second Lady Karen Pence “paid a visit Wednesday to a group of fifth-graders in South Carolina prepping emergency pillowcase kits for natural disasters as part of an initiative to mentally and physically prepare children for evacuations,” Vandana Rambaran reports. “‘I love what you are doing,’ Melania Trump told one girl.”

 Watch: The First and Second Ladies visit Joint Base Charleston

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