Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Not Turning Out As They Thought It Would, And . . .

Real Talk: Impeachment Is Going Poorly For Democrats and The Media

“Inside of newsrooms, broadcast studios, and Twitter, impeachment is going according to plan,” Mollie Hemingway writes in The Federalist. “Outside of those bubbles, it's not.”

Just how badly is it going? “The impeachment inquiry, such as it is, has tremendous struggles. It’s been conducted in secret, with heavy control from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the man who falsely claimed for years he had evidence of Trump’s treasonous collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election.”

Click here to read more.
“President Donald Trump is keeping his word and getting America out of a bad deal. The poorly negotiated Paris climate accord imposed unfair, unworkable and unrealistic targets on the United States for reducing carbon emissions,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) writes in USA Today. “Countries like China got a free pass.” 
“President Trump has appointed, and the Senate has confirmed, 158 life-tenured federal judges . . . Few legacies will be longer lasting than this judicial one. These new judges are principled constitutionalists who have demonstrated excellence and professionalism throughout their legal careers,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) writes in Fox News
As part of her signature Be Best initiative, First Lady Melania Trump is visiting Boston Medical Center today “to highlight a treatment program for infants born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome,” Travis Andersen reports for the Boston Globe
“For all the demands from talking heads that the US deploy military personnel to police tribal disputes along the borders of Turkey, Iraq and Syria, the real border crisis facing the US is happening in our own backyard. Fact is, the situation in Mexico poses a far greater threat to American security. Our Southern neighbor is rapidly becoming a narco-state run by cartel drug lords,” Sean Davis writes in the New York Post.

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