Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Startling Poll Results: They're Planning To Leave NJ!

Following is a very special message from The Garden State initiative:


People Are Talking


Dear Friend,

By now I hope you have had a chance to read the findings of our poll with Fairleigh Dickinson University that found nearly half of New Jersey residents are planning to leave our state and almost 40% of young residents are intending to leave within 5 years.

The media certainly took notice of these startling results!

Yesterday morning I had the opportunity to preview the findings with Joe Piscopo on his AM 970 The Answer radio show in New York City. I invite you to listen to the interview here. Today, I appeared with Philadelphia-area talk host Rich Zeoli on his morning show on 1210 WPHT AM. A significant portion of this today's NJ 101.5 morning show with Bill Spadea was devoted to a discussion of our poll which was covered by reporter David Matthau.

Our report was a featured story on last evening's NJTV News which can be viewed here.  Additional television coverage was featured by CBS-2 in New York, CBS-3 in Philadelphia and WJLP/NJNN.

The poll results were also a feature story in today's Burlington County TimesROI-NJNJ Biz and the "Quote of the Day" in InsiderNJ.com's Morning Intelligence Briefing

There's also no doubt that our message has struck a nerve and caught the attention of the media but also policymakers. In a press release issued yesterday, Senator Steve Oroho cited the poll as evidence “It’s time to act now, before too many more people put their escape plans into motion.”

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and please share this email with anyone you feel may be interested in GSI’s work.

For the latest updates, please be sure to visit our website at gardenstateinitiative.org, liking our Facebook page @GardenStateInitiativeand follow us on Twitter @GSI_NewJersey.

For more information on how you can support our efforts, please feel free to contact me  at regea@gardenstateinitiative.org or (908) 400-9688.

Sincerely yours,

Regina M. Egea, President
Garden State Initiative

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