Monday, November 4, 2019

The Stories You Need To Read Right Now . . .

Are Democrat Leaders Even Paying Attention? 

“Politicians deal in exaggeration and deception, but sometimes you have to wonder if they even read the words that someone puts out in their name,” The Wall Street Journaleditorial board writes.

“Witness House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s statement Friday on the surprisingly good monthly employment jobs report: ‘The October jobs report offers further evidence that the Republicans’ disastrous special interest agenda is hollowing out the middle class while enriching the wealthy and well-connected.’”

Seriously? “What hipster doofus wrote that?” the editors ask. “Hundreds of thousands of workers are returning to the workforce, wage gains are healthy, and those gains continue to spread to non-rich corners of the labor force.”

Click here to read more.
MUST READ: Twenty years ago, Reps. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) & Steve Chabot (R-OH) were on the House prosecution team for the impeachment case against former President Bill Clinton. Unlike today’s sham “investigation,” they gave the former President every due-process right to defend himself, they write in The Wall Street Journal
“You’ll remember back in 2016 when the last president asked what ‘magic wand’ we had to bring manufacturing jobs back to our shores. We didn’t need a magic wand; we just needed Trump in the White House,” Vice President Mike Pence writes in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The Obama Administration saw America lose 200,000 manufacturing jobs. Since President Trump’s election, we’ve seen more than half a million created. 
Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner has received “special recognition from a national police group for his efforts on criminal justice reform, immigration, and ‘national service,’ especially to law enforcement,” Paul Bedard reports for the Washington Examiner. The Federal Law Enforcement Foundation awarded Kushner the “National Service Award” for his efforts in the passage of the bipartisan First Step Act.

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