Friday, November 8, 2019

This Is Just The Beginning: 'Let's Get To Work!'

from Brian T. Fitzherbert

This week's Election results in Legislative District 1 were beyond telling. The Van Drew Team, hand picked by Congressman Jeff Van Drew, propped up by Congressman Jeff Van Drew, and pitched on the radio by Congressman Jeff Van Drew, were defeated by Conservative Republicans who kept to the issues, unleashed grassroots efforts, and never wavered from their South Jersey values. Even when they were outspent 10-1.

The brand of Congressman Jeff Van Drew has taken a severe hit in South Jersey and now is the time to act. The voters in Cape May and Cumberland rejected his chosen successors to carry on his legacy. Maybe it's because he's voted with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 91% of the time, Congressman Adam Schiff, 88% of the time, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 84% of the time. Maybe it's because he's voted to condemn President Donald J. Trump. Maybe it because he voted against the National Emergency declaration at the border. Or maybe it's because we all know he voted against the impeachment inquiry out of political desperation. If we had a Republican Congressman, his vote against it wouldn't even be making headlines.

We've all seen Congressman Jeff Van Drew on Fox News. Forget what he says. Watch what he does. The voters in Cape May and Cumberland County certainly did.

Let's get to work.

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