Tuesday, November 26, 2019

WOW! Two More Pardons Issued By President Trump!

BREAKING: President Trump pardons ‘Butter’ as the 2019 National Thanksgiving Turkey

This afternoon, President Donald J. Trump continued a cherished White House holiday tradition by officially pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey.

“Bread” and “Butter,” two birds from North Carolina, were the feathered contestants vying for this year’s honor. In perhaps the closest turkey pardon contest in White House history, Butter won over Americans’ hearts by a slim margin—taking 50.3% of the vote.

 Watch: President Trump pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey!

Speaking from the Rose Garden, President Trump decided to extend a pardon to both lucky birds. He also wished all Americans a happy, peaceful Thanksgiving.  

After a hard-fought race, both turkeys have earned some quality rest and relaxation time. Following today’s Rose Garden ceremony, they are now headed to their new home at “Gobblers Rest” on the Virginia Tech campus. They will be cared for by veterinarians and students at the school’s exhibit, where they can be visited by the public.

Learn more about the famous White House turkey pardon tradition.

WATCH: First Lady receives 2019 White House Christmas Tree

Christmas came early in Washington yesterday, as First Lady Melania Trump kicked off this season’s festivities by receiving the official White House Christmas tree.

Arriving by horse-drawn carriage near the front steps of the White House, the more than 5-meter-tall Douglas Fir will stand tall in the Blue Room, where it will serve as the centerpiece for the White House’s Christmas decorations this December.

Since 1966, the National Christmas Tree Association has held an annual contest to select the official White House Christmas tree. This year’s selection was cut from Mahantongo Valley Farms in Pennsylvania, and owner Larry Snyder had the honor of presenting it for the arrival. 

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian 
President Donald J. Trump pardons Butter in the Rose Garden of the White House| November 26, 2019

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