Saturday, December 7, 2019

You Don't Want To Miss These Five Stories!

Jobs Growth Soars in November as Payrolls Surge by 266,000
“The jobs market turned in a stellar performance in November, with nonfarm payrolls surging by 266,000 and the unemployment rate falling to 3.5%”—matching its best rate in 50 years. “Those totals easily beat the Wall Street consensus,” Jeff Cox reports. “Bottom line, America is working,” National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said. 
Pelosi Again Exposes Impeachment as Just a Cynical Political Show
-New York Post
“Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepped out from behind the curtain Thursday to order up articles of impeachment against President Trump — once again exposing the official process as merely a show. Her approach has been cavalier from the start . . . And it’s only gotten worse,” the New York Post editorial board writes. 
Trump and First Lady Light the National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C.
-CBS News
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump “lit the National Christmas Tree on Thursday night at the Ellipse in President's Park in front of the White House. Those interested in catching a glimpse of the tree — adorned with 50,000 lights and 450 giant white star ornaments — have until January 1,” Audrey McNamara reports.

🎬 Watch: The First Lady unveils the White House Christmas decorations!
Adam Schiff Is Watching
-The Wall Street Journal
“In his rush to paint Donald Trump as a lawbreaker, Mr. Schiff has himself trampled law and responsibility,” Kimberly Strassel writes. Schiff displayed a stunning abuse of power by obtaining the phone records of political rivals. “Imagine a world in which congressional partisans routinely track and expose the call lists of their political rivals and disfavored media.”

This is journalism? WaPo wants ‘undecided Americans’ to support impeachment
Trump’s NATO Successes
-National Review
With the 2019 NATO Summit this past week, President Trump can reflect on the fact that when he assumed office, only three NATO countries apart from the U.S. “were meeting the agreed target of devoting 2 percent of GDP to defense: the United Kingdom, Poland, and mighty Estonia. Today that number is eight, and commitments are in place to take it up to 18 out of 30 within four years,” Conrad Black writes.

🎬 President Trump put Americans first at the London NATO Summit

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