Monday, January 27, 2020

A VERY Special Message From Kate Gibbs . . .

From Kate Gibbs, candidate for Congress, NJ District 3:

"Anyone who thinks they can push me around doesn’t know anything about #SouthJersey women. I was raised by a single mom who taught me how to stand up for myself and never back down from a challenge. To our party leaders who like to talk about empowering and supporting young Republican women to run and serve, well, here I am. The ball is in your court.

"I’ve worked at the grassroots level for years to elect Republicans in South Jersey, was the youngest elected Freeholder Director in the state, cut taxes every year I was in office, and am proud to be a leader for the state building trades. I’m not stepping aside for anybody. Especially not a seat shopper who apparently believes he's entitled to party support — somewhere, anywhere. My motivation for running isn't to wear a pin and get a title; I am running to serve the people of Burlington and Ocean Counties and I intend to win."  #NJ3 #TeamKate

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