Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Still Wondering Who Was Responsible For THIS

For those of you who may have wondered why the Dan Cirucci Blog was not at the Trump Wildwood rally live, we are compelled to report that sadly and inexplicably, we were DENIED a media pass.
Yes, we were DENIED media entry at the 11th hour -- effectively locked out and left with nowhere to turn.
Imagine our nationally-recognized conservative blog (with more than three million page views) put in this position.
Let's be clear: The Dan Cirucci Blog pioneered GOP/conservative advocacy on social media.
In fact, we were here long before others, championing the candidacies of countless GOP aspirants for more than 12 years and through three hard-fought presidential campaigns. 
We've been tireless and relentless and have never missed a single day of blogging, with more than 21,000 posts published.
For the record, we were one of the first to support candidate Trump soon after he tossed his hat into the ring and were regularly granted access to Trump campaign events including his landmark address on national secuirty at Philadelphia's Union League in 2016. And yes, we were one of the conservative voices that convinced others to come aboard the Trump Train. 
So, how is it that we were left out?
We don't know. We can't get an answer. Our repeated inquiries to the campaign have failed to generate a  response. For now, we'll try to be  generous and simply blame this on inattentive staffers.
But, think about this: We were left out while other anti-Trump media reps were welcomed. 
OK, there was a high demand for entree to the venue. We get it. But we  were one of the first to submit a request and we take up very little room. What's more, shouldn't advocacy and loyalty count for something? And why leave us guessing to the end and then turn us away after it was too late for us to pursue other feasible means of gaining entry?
Well, you can be sure of one thing  -- this will not deter us!
We will continue to fight the good fight for the GOP/conservative cause (and for President Trump) even as we fight for well-earned recognition.
The Dan Cirucci Blog has been lauded by Rush Limbaugh.
We've been recognized by CPAC.
Our opinion pieces have appeared at Real Clear Politics,, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Daily News and the Courier Post, among others.
We've guested with radio talkers Dom Giordano, Chris Stigall and regularly with Christine Flowers.
Governor Chris Christie has singled us out as his favorite blog and called us "one of New Jersey's great political observers." And we've never, ever been turned away from a Christie event. 😉
Our TV Show, The Advocates, has welcomed GOP congressional, senatorial and gubernatorial candidates.
We've been quoted by the New York Times and the Associated Press.
And what other outlet brings a lifetime of seasoned commentary to the game the way we do?
Botton line: We've earned our stripes!
So, we're serving notice right now. You can love us or hate us but you ignore us at your own peril!

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