Saturday, January 18, 2020

Meghan And Harry Left With . . . What, Exactly? Huh?

Meghan and Harry in a recent photo. Note that she looks thrilled. Him, not so much.

At first blush, the news about Harry and Meghan is bleak.
No royal title, no royal duties, no military appointments, no tours, most of their time spent in Canada, no public money.
And they have to repay  nearly two-and-a-half million bucks (Or is it pounds?) that was spent to refurbish Frogmore "cottage" for them.
It's quite a clean break.
But they brought them on themselves.
We do fear this was a dreadful mismatch from the start, folks.
Harry suffered a  traumatic event in childhood at a very impressionable age. Arguably, he never got over it. He's already admitted to pretty serious mental issues including a decades long bout with depression and anxiety for which he has sought psychiatric help. 
Meghan Markle has her own issues.The older and already married and divorced Meghan is estranged from most of the members of her own family except for her mother. She has a checkered background, to say the least, and never appeared to be at ease in her new role as a member of the Royal Family. But one could also argue that she never really gave it a chance.
Did Harry seek the company of an older woman because he has mommy issues?
Was Meghan looking for an easy exit ramp from her acting career?
Did Harry view the chance to marry Meghan as an act of rebellion consistent with his mother's separation from the Royal Family?
Was Harry nothing more than Meghan's way of rebounding from her first failed marriage? Was that what it was all about?
Does he now regret falling into her clutches?
Has she been manipulating him all along?
Will the marriage last?
No one really knows the answers to these questions but these two certainly do seem like a couple of flakes. Meghan is known to have embraced fringe progressive causes and they're reportedly being advised by the likes of the Obamas, Loony [George] Clooney, Oprah and Oprah Best Friend Gayle. 
Expect Harry and Meghan to be fully commercialized by the summer and right up there with that K clan that everybody's trying to keep up with -- we won't even mention their names but you know who they are.
Don't  be fooled by the "do good" aura that will invariably surround Meghan and Harry and the US media that will fawn over them. That's all a cover up -- fancy window dressing, folks. These two are in it to cash in, Big Time. 
They're out to monetize that Sussex Real brand.
They have to, now.
Assuming they stay together, it's really all they've got.
Following are the announcements by the Queen and Buckingham Palace:

From the Palace:
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are grateful to Her Majesty and the Royal Family for their ongoing support as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.
As agreed in this new arrangement, they understand that they are required to step back from royal duties, including official military appointments.
They will no longer receive public funds for royal duties. With the Queen's blessing, the Sussexes will continue to maintain their private patronages and associations.
While they can no longer formally represent the Queen, the Sussexes have made clear that everything they do will continue to uphold the values of Her Majesty.
The Sussexes will not use their HRH titles as they are no longer working members of the Royal Family. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have shared their wish to repay Sovereign Grant expenditure for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their UK family home.
From the Queen:
Following many months of conversations and more recent discussions, I am pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family.
I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life.
I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family.
It is my whole family's hope that today's agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life.
One final thought: If Meghan thinks she will now live a blissfully peaceful, uninterrupted life fully protected from the bright glare of fame and intense scrutiny, she's sadly mistaken. The real ravaging of her via the the relentlessly pursuit of the paparazzi and their cohorts may have only just begun. And, if Harry thinks he can be as easily estranged from his family as Meghan  has been from hers, he's in for a  real shock. Go back  and check the real story of the  Duke and Duchess of Windsor. If you think THEY  lived  happily ever after, I've got some beans to sell you, Jack!

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