Saturday, February 15, 2020

Five Stories You Simply Cannot Miss!

Huge: More ‘Better Off' Under Trump than Clinton, Bush, and Obama
-Washington Examiner
A record 61% of Americans say they are better off now than they were before President Trump took office 3 years ago, according to a new Gallup poll. “What’s more, people give Trump much more credit for the improved economy than former President Barack Obama, [whose] supporters have been claiming credit,” Paul Bedard reports.
NEW: Small-business owners more optimistic at the start of 2020”
The Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response Is Protecting Americans
-USA Today
“The first duty of the federal government is to keep our citizens safe. Since the United States first became aware on Dec. 30 of what has become known as the novel coronavirus, America’s public health officials have closely monitored the situation, worked to understand the virus and taken steps to limit Americans’ exposure to it,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and HHS Secretary Alex Azar write. 
President Trump Keeps Promises to the 'Forgotten Americans'
-The Washington Times
“In his 2016 victory speech, Donald Trump talked about ‘the forgotten men and women of our country,’ declaring that they ‘will be forgotten no longer.’ Today, after months of impeachment proceedings, accusations of wrongdoing and a media that has reported overwhelmingly negative stories about him for three years, his polling numbers are at their highest ever,” Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James writes.
 WATCH: From day 1, their goal was to silence your voice. But they couldn't.
Lawmakers Want Ivanka Trump’s Women’s Program to Become Law
-The Associated Press
“Two senators — one Republican and one Democrat — are leading a legislative effort to have a global women’s initiative spearheaded by President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka written into law . . . [The bill] would make the economic empowerment of women a priority of U.S. foreign policy,” Darlene Superville reports.
🎬 Ivanka Trump: W-GDP has helped 12 million women in just one year
Americans Have Failed People With Mental Illness. Trump’s New Budget Will Change That.
-The Washington Post
“President Trump is exceptionally focused on fighting for Americans who can’t fight for themselves and confronting problems other administrations, Democratic and Republican, have ignored. This is particularly true for Americans who suffer from addiction and serious mental disorders,” White House Domestic Policy Council Director Joe Grogan writes. Nearly 50 million Americans experienced mental illness in 2018. The President’s new budget proposes the boldest reforms in decades to help them.
🚀 President Trump proposes big boost for NASA to return to the Moon!

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