Sunday, February 16, 2020

NJ: A Very Sad And Sorry State Of Affairs!

Let's talk about New Jersey for a moment, OK?
We saw that New Jersey was recently rated #41 (near the bottom) among America's best run states and that set us to doing some additional research.
This is what we found:
USA's best governors: Phil Murphy rated 34th -- near the bottom.
Best states to do business: New Jersey rated 32nd, near the bottom.
Best states to retire to: New Jersey rated #46 -- almost at the bottom.
Top 30 most polluted areas in the country? Yeah, New Jersey has two on this list: Camden/Philly and Newark/Jersey City/NYC.
State fiscal condition? New Jersey ranks almost at the bottom, #47.
Highest cancer rates? Not a list you wanna lead in but New Jersey is right up there at #6.
And speaking of #6, New Jersey also achieves that status among the 10 highest taxed states.
New Jersey has a liberal Democrat governor and a liberal Democrat state legislature and they aren't doing a damned thing except plowing us under and reinforcing our status as the butt of jokes.
And as for those of you who keep voting for these slugs -- shame on you, too!

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