Saturday, February 22, 2020

On THIS, Church Teaching Is Not In Dispute!

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

Bishop Thomas Paprocki 
Last week, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., released a clear, truthful guide on gender identity that does a great service for Catholic schools in his diocese. Catholic educators everywhere should follow his lead in implementing similar policies in their schools.
The timing of the guide could not be better, as society embraces a sorely confused understanding of gender identity. For example, biological males are winning female events in Connecticut high school sports, and high school districts like one in Illinois are allowing biological males to use female locker rooms, and vice versa.
But the Catholic Church’s teaching on gender identity and human sexuality is clear. Catholic school policies should be consistent, as well.
For handling situations of a student facing “gender dysphoria,” Bishop Paprocki’s guide stresses the importance of “gentle and compassionate pastoral skill and concern” and condemns any sort of “discrimination or harsh treatment.”
At the same time, the guide states that sex is determined at birth. The truly loving thing to do in a situation when a person is facing gender dysphoria is to be “clear on the reality of human biology as a gift from God that we cannot change.”
As a result, students at diocesan schools must “use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their biological sex,” and they will be “addressed and referred to with pronouns in accord with their biological sex.”
Thank you, Bishop Paprocki! More than ever, Catholic schools need to teach and witness to the Truth.
Continue Reading at The National Catholic Register...

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