Friday, February 28, 2020

The Stories You Ned To Catch Up On Now!

Trump Says Coronavirus Response is Working, Taps Pence to Lead Fight
-The Washington Times
“President Trump told Americans not to panic over the coronavirus Wednesday, saying he’s taken the reins, U.S. patients are recovering, and his decision to defy critics and restrict travel from China is working,” Tom Howell Jr. reports. “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low,” the President said.

🎬 Vice President Pence: President’s message is clear: We’re ready.
Trump's India Statecraft is Forward-Thinking and Necessary
-Washington Examiner
“Addressing more than 100,000 people in a packed Ahmedabad stadium [in India this week], Trump offered a bright vision of future friendship between the world's most powerful and its most populous democracies.”
🇮🇳 Watch: President and First Lady visit the historic Taj Mahal!
Trump Meets With Black Supporters, Vows Equal Opportunity
-The Associated Press
During a reception Thursday honoring African American History Month, President Trump “cited low unemployment rates for African Americans and passage of a criminal justice bill providing earlier release for thousands of federal drug offenders” as strides made under the Trump Administration to deliver equal opportunity for all Americans. 
Trump’s Court Win Denying Sanctuary Cities Grants is Major Blow to Liberal Extremists
-Fox News
“On Wednesday, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturned a lower court decision and ruled that the Department of Justice can indeed withhold grant money from local and state governments that purposely flout the law and put American lives at risk,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd writes.
MORE: “Immigrants who seek opportunity should comply with longstanding American values”
During India Trip, Melania Trump Visits 'Happiness' Class at School
-The Associated Press
“U.S. first lady Melania Trump on Tuesday visited a ‘happiness class’ at a government-run school in the Indian capital. The curriculum dovetails with her ‘Be Best’ initiative to teach children and young adults to be kind, avoid drugs and take care of themselves,” The Associated Press reports.
 First Lady: Meeting students at Sarvodaya School was “unforgettable”

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