Saturday, February 8, 2020

WOW! An Exciting New Voice On The Horizon!

Here's a very important message from the Kate Gibbs campaign:
What a week it's been! 
Our momentum continues to grow each day, and it's thanks to supporters like YOU that we are able to accomplish that.
Have you heard about our latest endorsements? Thursday morning, GOP Senate Leader Tom Kean, Jr. announced his endorsement of Kate.
"Kate is a rising star in our party and will be a great Congresswoman for South Jersey. I endorse her and look forward to serving with her in the majority next year." — GOP Senate Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R-21)
Just this morning, Sussex County Freeholders announced their support for Kate's campaign for Congress.
"As President Trump reminds us, America’s infrastructure is in need of repair. Kate Gibbs understands infrastructure – not only how to get it done, but how to get it done by creating American jobs, with American workers. As tax-paying citizens, the elected Sussex County Freeholders wholeheartedly support Kate Gibbs for Congress."
— Elected Sussex County Freeholders:
Freeholder Director Sylvia Petillo, Deputy Freeholder Director Dawn Fantasia, Freeholder Anthony Fasano, Freeholder Joshua L. Hertzberg, and
Freeholder Herbert Yardley
Now more than ever before, it's imperative that we take back Republican control of the House — and seats like District 3 are so important in this fight.
Ocean and Burlington counties need a voice in the House who will stand up and fight for REAL results for our families and our future.
Kate is still the best candidate to take on Andy Kim this November.
Check out Kate's recent interview on News 12 ⬇️⬇️ to learn more about the state of the race.
The fight is far from over, but every day brings us one step closer to victory. 
Help us keep the momentum going by following Kate on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word to your family and friends!
Let's keep on fighting!
Team Kate

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