Sunday, March 22, 2020

Businesses? Did You Say BUSINESSES? Never Mind!

From our dear friend Christine Flowers who has managed to perfectly identify where we are right now and nail the source of the problem:

Cities are hermetically sealed.
Ok, we need to fight the virus.
Businesses are shuttered.
Ok, we need to fight the virus.
People are losing jobs and livelihoods.
Ok, we need to fight the virus.
Borders are sealed.
Ok, we need to fight the virus.
Congress votes on a relief package.
Ok, we need to....
What? What’s that?
No relief package?
Democrats don’t want to help businesses?
Don’t they know that without businesses there are no jobs?
No recovery?
The virus wins?

Oh, they do know that.
But they also know Trump loses.
Never mind.

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