Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Deal Reached; President Trump Ready To Sign Bill

“Lawmakers and the Trump administration reached an agreement on an estimated $2 trillion stimulus package aimed at shielding the U.S. economy from the worst consequences of the coronavirus pandemic,” Joshua Jamerson and Andrew Duehren report for The Wall Street Journal.

The relief package “will provide direct financial checks to many Americans, drastically expand unemployment insurance, offer hundreds [of] billions in loans to both small and large businesses, and provide health care providers with additional resources as the virus spreads.”

Click here to read more.
“The United States was ranked the best-prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS)—an assessment seemingly at odds with claims by Democrats that the Trump administration left the country vulnerable to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak,” Gregg Re reports for Fox News. 
President Trump is thankful for every citizen doing his or her part during this global pandemic. It’s clear that Americans are coming together: “On day nine of a 15 day social distancing period, President Trump is getting a positive report card from Americans,” with a majority approving his handling of the crisis, Katie Pavlich writes in Townhall.
“President Trump can’t do right by some critics no matter what he does. For three years he’s been denounced as a reckless authoritarian, and now he’s attacked for not being authoritarian enough by refusing to commandeer American industry. The truth is that private industry is responding to the coronavirus” with support from the government rather than “command and control,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

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