Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Every Single Day, Moe Positive Steps Being Taken!

Mike Pence: We Need the American People's Help to Fight Coronavirus Now

“The president and I are deeply proud that the American people have already pulled together in so many ways in response to this virus, just as we’ve always done during other challenging times in our history,” Vice President Mike Pence writes in USA Today.

“Now is a critical time. As the president said on Monday, over the next two weeks, there are actions that every American can and should take to help us slow the spread of the coronavirus. If we succeed in limiting the number of new cases, then we can dedicate more resources to the most vulnerable and save lives.”

Click here to read more.
“Medicare said Tuesday it will immediately expand coverage for telemedicine nationwide to help seniors with health problems stay home to avoid the coronavirus. The new option will allow millions of older people to take care of ongoing medical problems as well as new concerns, while heeding public health advice to stay home during the outbreak,” Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar reports for The Associated Press
FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn warns that while the FDA is working full speed to help diagnose, treat, and prevent the Coronavirus, there are currently no approved treatments on the market. The FDA and its partners will continue warning consumers of fraudulent schemes and “taking action to stop health scams,” he writes in USA Today
“The Chinese Communist Party’s decision to expel journalists from China and Hong Kong is yet another step toward depriving the Chinese people and the world of access to true information about China”—including about the origin of the Coronavirus, the National Security Council said in a statement yesterday. Read more from Ryan Saavedra in The Daily Wire.

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