Friday, March 6, 2020

Job Growth Soars, Troops Coming Home, Other Stories

Job Growth Smashes Expectations for February as Unemployment Falls Back to 3.5%
The Trump Economy defied “expert” predictions yet again, adding 273,000 new jobs last month—far above the 175,000 expected. America’s unemployment rate fell once again to 3.5 percent, matching its lowest level in more than 50 years, Jeff Cox reports.

🇺🇸 More: Fewer Americans now view China as the world’s top economy
Trump Signs $8.3B Coronavirus Spending Bill
-Fox News
“President Trump signed an $8.3 billion spending bill Friday aimed at fighting the coronavirus outbreak, the culmination of a bipartisan effort by Congress and the White House to provide funds to federal agencies, as well as state and local governments, to battle the disease,” Tyler Olson reports.
VP Pence: President’s top priority is Americans’ health and safety
Surgeon General: Be Cautious, But Not Afraid of Coronavirus
“It is clear we must continue to help Americans understand how to protect themselves, but also that we mustn't recreate the wheel,” Surgeon General Jerome Adams writes. “We've been through this before and no place in the world is better prepared to handle this challenge. Let's turn fear into actions that will help us all stay safe.” 
Kim Kardashian Returns to Oval Office to Back Trump Prison Releases
-New York Post
“Kim Kardashian West returned on Wednesday to the Oval Office to support President Trump’s decision to release three women from prison,” Steven Nelson reports. The President presented the three mothers with signed copies of their clemency documents.
🎬 Watch: President Trump meets with clemency recipients and Kim Kardashian West
Defense Secretary: ‘This is Our Chance to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan for Good’
-The Washington Post
Last weekend, “we achieved a promising milestone to bring the war in Afghanistan to a responsible end with the signing of an agreement between the United States and the Taliban,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper writes. “Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, it is the best chance we have ever had to end this conflict.”
 President Trump: We’re bringing our troops home

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