Friday, March 20, 2020

The More They Pummel Him, The Higher He Flies!

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'NICE TRY...'JUST BEING REPORTED: You may or may not be surprised to learn that President Trump’s job approval rating is not only healthy but has jumped four percentage points in under one week, according to a new Harris Poll.
The president's approval rating jumped to 53% in Harris’ national surveys conducted March 17 and 18, Tuesday and Wednesday, which was up from 49% in polling taken on March 14 and 15. With a clear majority approval rating in the middle of a pandemic, President Trump certainly appears to be in good shape.
Support for the president seems to be tied to the public’s view of his handling the coronavirus outbreak and his approach to foreign affairs. And, look at this: approval of his management of the coronavirus crisis actually rose five percentage points to 56% in polling conducted this week. His handling of foreign affairs rose three percentage points to 52% in the same timeframe.
President Trump surely seems to be doable against all the flack he's been getting from elites, the media, academia and a relentlessly vocal band of Trump haters who cannot seem to control themselves even as the need to unite becomes more urgent by the day.

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