Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Trump's Leadership Style? Right Now It's A Plus!

“I have participated in tabletop exercises involving pandemic response; indecision is both seductive and dangerous, as Japan and South Korea are finding out,” former Sen. Jim Talent writes for Fox News. President Trump, on the other hand, responded quickly and effectively, shutting down flights from China in January to give officials time to prepare.

“Trump’s style of leadership is on balance a plus in this kind of a crisis. He is neither afraid to make decisions nor overly concerned about being criticized for the decisions he makes. That is vital.”

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“President Trump on Monday proposed emergency measures, including a temporary payroll tax cut and expanded sick leave, to prevent an economic slowdown and to blunt the spread of the coronavirus.” The President said he is helping small businesses, as well as hourly wage earners who are forced to miss work, “so they don’t get penalized for something that’s not their fault,” Dave Boyer reports in The Washington Times
“President Trump’s long-promised border wall is working.” The new chief of U.S. Border Patrol shared that parts of the new “wall system”—which replaces miles of ragtag broken fencing—are 90 percent effective, up from just 10 percent before. More than 200 additional miles of wall are currently under construction, and over 400 more miles are now in pre-construction, Paul Bedard reports for the Washington Examiner.  
“President Trump’s ‘energy dominance’ agenda will help America get through the coronavirus fallout. Using domestic oil, gas and coal to produce our own energy and electricity, we can rebuild every sector of the economy by bringing products and jobs back from overseas,” American energy expert Daniel Turner writes in Fox News.  

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