Thursday, March 19, 2020

'Wartime President' Puts Full Force To Work For All!

Important stories complied by

WARTIME PRESIDENT  President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act, enabling him to use wartime power to order businesses to manufacture emergency supplies like masks, ventilators, and respirators.  READ
STOPPING EVICTIONS  President Trump said the Department of Housing and Urban Development would suspend evictions and foreclosures through April. The Federal Housing Finance Agency then announced that it would order Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to suspend foreclosures and evictions for at least 60 days.  READ
TRUMP STIMULUS PLAN  The Trump administration proposed a $1 trillion aid package to combat the economic effects of the Chinese coronavirus. $250 billion in payments would be sent out starting April 6, with another $250 billion in cash payments starting on May 18. Payments would vary based on family income and size. The aid package would also dedicate $300 billion to help small businesses, and $150 billion for “severely distressed sectors of the U.S. economy.”  READ
CONGRESSIONAL ACTION  The Senate sent to President Trump's desk a $104 billion federal aid package which provides 10 days of sick leave and 12 weeks of paid family leave for some workers, and also pays for Chinese coronavirus testing for every American who needs it.  READ
PRO-LIFE DEM LOSES  Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-IL, conceded to pro-abortion challenger Marie Newman. Lipinski said: “There was one issue that loomed especially large in this campaign: the fact that I am pro-life. I was pilloried with millions of dollars of TV ads and mailers. Because of this, I was shunned by many of my colleagues and other Democratic Party members and operators. I was shunned because of my pro-life stance. The pressure in (the) Democratic Party on the life issue has never been as great as it is now.”  READ

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